This weekend was a busy one for us! We had Cooper's last t-ball game on Saturday afternoon and the that night we headed downtown for the boys to play in the water. They had a blast but were exhausted by the end of the day! Yesterday we meet up with Amy and Brain as well as Chris parents and grandmother and had some yummy lunch at Tony's. This is one of my favorite restaurants and it was so good!!! That night we went to dinner and a movie with some of our friends and saw State of Play and it was really good! I knew nothing about this movie, but I really liked it! Anyways today was a BIG day in our house.....I TURNED 30!!!! Thirty does not bother me (yet) but then again I have only been thirty for about 6 hours now!! :) Anyways my sweet husband planned a surprise party for me and lots of our family and friends came over to help me celebrate! We all had a great time and I am so thankful for wonderful family and friends!! Here are some pictures from our day! I hope that everyone had a great long weekend!
Cooper on the slip-n-slide

All wrapped up trying to get warm before the next round of water play! :)

Some of my wonderful friends helping me celebrate! (Deana, Karen, Me, LeeAnne and Kim, Julene you left to soon!)

My wonderful husband (aka the party planner)!

My sweet little boy who is can be such a little stinker!

Me and the best freind ever- Deana!!!

Me and my sweet boy who is almost FOUR! :(

Thanks to everyone who helped make this day a very special birthday!!! I am so thankful for all of you!!