So here is what I am supposed to do:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreative Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know that
they have been nominated!
7 things about me that most people may not know????
1. I LOVE being a stay at home Mom! I love being able to take and pick my children up from preschool and hear all about their day!! I love reading stories with them and snuggling with them at nap time!! I LOVE big hugs and kisses from both of my sweet little boys!! I am so blessed!!
2. We are in the process of building a house and are currently living with my dad for the next 4-5 months!! So far it had not been bad for us, but my dad may tell you something different.:) He has graciously open up his house to us and for that we are so thankful!!
3. I am currently working part time (12 hours per week) as a reading interventionist! It feels good to help those children who are sturggling learn to become efficient readers!!
4. I am totally stressed out about where I am doing to send Cooper to school!!! I go back and forth daily between Boyd Buchanan (private) and CSLA (public-magnet) which are both excellent schools!!
5. I LOVE the Tennessee Vols despite our new crazy, outspoken coach!!! We have season tickets and try and go as often as we can!!
6. I just started couponing and I hope to save LOTS of money at the store from now on!!!
7. I love reality tv and well as mindless dramas!!! I am go glad that the fall shows are back on!!! Dancing with the Stars, Biggest Loser, Grey's, Desperate Housewives, just to name a few!!
Now the next 7 nominees are...........................
1. Misty http://mistyandmatt.blogspot.com
Misyt and I went to college together and I have enjoyed keeping up with Misty and her adorable family through the blogging world!!
2. LeeAnne http://our-silly-magpie.blogspot.com
LeeAnne and I are friends through our playgroup and we have gotten to become closer over the past couple of years. Our children play so well together and we truly value their friendship!!!
3. Alicia http://our-2-blessings.blogspot.com
Alicia and I are also friends through playgroup and even though I do not see her much anymore, it is great keeping up with her family through her blog. She is also expecting baby #3!!
4. Becky B. http://bellboyz.blogspot.com
Becky and I also know each other through playgroup and I love hanging out with Becky and her sweet children!! Max and Cooper play so well together and I love spending time with them!!! I can't wait for Wesley and Hudson to really start playing with each other!!! I know that I can call Becky at any time for anything!!! Thanks for being such a great friend Becky!!
5. Elizabeth http://thebyerlys.blogspot.com
Elizabeth and I know each other from college and I LOVE reading all of her posts. She always makes me laugh! I can't wait to hear all about baby #3 very soon!!!
6. Amanda http://themoshiers.blogspot.com
Amanda and I go way back!! We went to high school together and then to college together!! She was my "big sister" in college and I am so thankful for her and her sweet freindship!!! Even though she lives in California now I still "try" to keep in touch some and I hope eventually they move back closer to Chattanooga one day! I would love to have our kids grow up together!!!
7. Jennifer Hopkins http://thehopkinscrew.blogspot.com
Jennifer and I also know each other through playgroup, but unfortunately they have moved to Mississippi and we never get to see them anymore. Thankfully we have our blogs and facebook to keep in touch with each other and our busy little families!! We miss you guys and call me if you ever come in to visit!!!
Ok so there you have it!! Have fun!!